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Road transport PDF Print E-mail


-we make all the organization of the transport by your request, directly with your clients and your engagement is minimal

-conversation for the quantity, packing kind, choice of the right vehicle, choice of the best route without that to reflect of the price of the services

-you could receive the correct prices in any moment, no matter the permanent changes in the transport market

-excellent prices of the services, without reflection to the quality

-terms of delivery

-information about position of your cargo in any moment

-organization of warehouses, transits

-all the vehicles are with valid CMR insurances

-transport of goods with ADR

-cargo insurances




Sea and river transport PDF Print E-mail


-Services of cargo turnover between the Danube countries and the transit between West and East Europe, from Sulina and Constanta on Black Sea to Mainz am Rhein

-transport of mass and general cargos

-transport of liquid cargos

-container transport worldwide

-transports river-land-sea

-optimal routes and transit terms

-excellent prices of the services, without reflection to the quality

-cargo insurances


Railway transport PDF Print E-mail


-we make all the organization of the transport by your request, directly with your clients and your engagement is minimal

-conversation for the quantity, packing kind etc.

-excellent prices of the services, without reflection to the quality

-cargo insurances


Air transport PDF Print E-mail


-we make all the organization of the transport by your request, directly with your clients and your engagement is minimal

-conversation for the quantity, packing kind etc.


-excellent prices of the services, without reflection to the quality

-cargo insurances

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  • Български (България)
  • English (United Kingdom)
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